Meeting Minutes 02/03/18

An early but fantastic Saturday morning for the <C://> Hawks! Lots of fresh fruit, coffee, donuts and more were brought by parents and students alike! After a morning of hard work, we relaxed with pizza for lunch and a lovely home-baked cake for dessert.

At the end of the meeting was the parents meeting! We invited student’s parents to stop by and observe our robot demonstration as well learn more about the logistics of states competition.


John: Captained the team today. Made a quick speech to the parents and worked on the chain.


Duncan- worked on the new beta bot. Attempted to break chain with an awl and a hammer.

Ayaan- I worked on Engineering Notebook: The wheel section as well as the gear section

Mira- I planned out the left side electronics wall. We are making it in two parts, so we can have the jewel arm in between . I also added the jewel arm to the next gen bot.

Andersen- I  edited the FTC Notebook to include Troy. I also added the Next-gen bot design in a document along with its motors and servos.

Kavin- I worked on building an elastic-reinforcement system for the block grabbers and helped build chassis for new next gen robot.

Igor- I worked on the next gen robot also helping with the elastic- reinforcement system.

Isaac – Completed integration of DogeCV and Vuforia. More tweaks, especially on the turning, required.

Angel – Mounted motor gearbox on Next-gen robot.

Troy – Put on wheel and reinforced the frame.

Logan – Created a program to zero the lift mechanism on the next generation chassis. I also worked on the Github section of the engineering notebook

Kai- Fixed the motor tester with Erin

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